Coronavirus live news: Russia imposes new restrictions after case rises; Japan to send 1m vaccines to Vietnam – The Guardian - thehoarder


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Coronavirus live news: Russia imposes new restrictions after case rises; Japan to send 1m vaccines to Vietnam – The Guardian

As the rate of coronavirus infections in Germany continues to fall, mandatory mask-wearing rules are set to be relaxed around the country.

Berlin’s senate is today expected to announce that people will no longer have to wear face masks in busy shopping streets or zoos. Visitors to theatres, cinemas or opera houses will likely be allowed to wear simple cloth masks rather than medical FFP2 masks. A night time ban on drinking in public spaces is also expected to be lifted in the German capital.

Some politicians are urging the government to scrap mask-wearing rules altogether. “While we have an incidence rate below 35, the state is no longer to impose wholesale restrictions on the fundamental rights of its citizens”, said Wolfgang Kubicki of the Free Democratic Party (FDP).

Health policy expert Karl Lauterbach of the Social Democrats, junior partners in Angela Merkel’s coalition government, said it was important for people to continue wearing masks at indoor gatherings until more than 70% of the population had been vaccinated.

As of Tuesday morning, 48.7% of the German population has received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. The country’s disease control agency reported 652 new infections on Tuesday – roughly 50% down on the same point last week – and 95 new deaths.

Taiwan has reported 132 local cases, the third consecutive day with a daily figure below 200 in an outbreak which started in late April. Eight more people have died.

The most cases were again in New Taipei with 65, followed by Taipei at 26 and Miaoli with 18. Miaoli is home to several factories which have recorded outbreaks among their employees with most cases linked to migrant workers who are housed in dormitories.

Taiwan is currently on level 3 restrictions, limiting gatherings, closing entertainment, sport and public venues, and restricting restaurants to takeaway. In some regions beaches and outdoor areas have been closed to the public. The order has been in place since 19 May and was extended to the end of this month.

Health and welfare minister Chen Shih-chung said the number of cases and deaths had started to drop, which was positive, but also flagged high rates of 10-15% positive infections expected as authorities start testing all migrant workers quarantined in Miaoli.

The issue of migrant workers in Taiwan, including the conditions they live in and the rights afforded to them, has been a hot topic in Taiwan in the past week or so. Local governments and some companies are enforcing restrictions and rules that go far beyond the requirements set by the central epidemic command centre.

The Guardian reported on Friday on one company which had ordered workers who lived in their own homes to return to the dorms or face penalties. The company has said it plans to move people out of dorms into hostels and other accommodations to reduce the risk of spread.

But human rights groups have criticised the order, which included a ban on anyone leaving their accommodation except to go to work. A similar order was made by the county government in Miaoli.

Critics pointed to the lack of any similar order on local employees who work alongside the thousands of migrant workers, accusing the local governments and companies of discrimination.

The CECC has reminded local governments to only follow their requirements, but there doesn’t appear to be any attempt to enforce this.

Authorities are currently inspecting migrant worker dorms across Taiwan, to ensure they meet disease prevention standards set for this outbreak. Chen told the press conference this afternoon that of the 1,164 dorms with more than 50 residents inspected so far, more than 80% were up to standard, while the rest needed to make changes, according to local media.

Our Morwenna Ferrier writes about the rise of a new trend in the wake of the pandemic – the “vaxinistas”:

This summer’s trend is not a dish or a dress, but a clean bill of health posted on social media. There’s even a word for it: a “vaxinista” – a combination of “fashionista” and “vaccine” – is someone who has not only had both jabs, but wants to broadcast it via vaccine selfies, cards and even merchandise.

This interest in pharmaceutical merch has now reached a strange new frontier: used pharma memorabilia. On eBay, old mementoes branded with Pfizer and AstraZeneca logos are selling for tens and hundreds of pounds. AstraZeneca paperweights and ballpoint pens are going for £150 and £50 respectively. Bids for a Pfizer lab coat begin at £106, a “pre-loved” Pfizer denim shirt at £100 and a Disneyland Pfizer conference T-shirt at £144. Meanwhile, newspapers from the day the vaccine was announced are selling for more than £40.

One seller of a Pfizer-branded pen told the Guardian he had listed the item “years ago but no one was interested”. This time, about 20 people have been in touch asking to “buy it now” rather than bid on the site.

Read more here: Got the jab, bought the T-shirt: ‘vaxinistas’ and the rise of pandemic merchandise

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